A disabled default is present on this object. To use it, use one of the other constructors or a factory function.
foreach with ref value requires @nogc body to make this @nogc compatible
1 CyclicArray!int array; 2 assert(array.length == 0); 3 array ~= 5; 4 assert(!array.empty); 5 assert(array.front == 5); 6 assert(array[0] == 5); 7 array ~= [4, 3]; 8 9 assert(array == [5, 4, 3]); 10 11 // same efficiency as insertBack/put/concat 12 array.insertFront(5);
@nogc array without memory management using a cyclic array internally Should be treated like a static array when no len is set (copies on assignment) The maximum capacity is static and by default so many elements that it fills at most 4KiB, but at least 8 elements (even if that is more than 4KiB). Set length to 0 to make it a std.container.Array based array